My Story is Art – Our Journey to Baby II

Well nothing is official until it appears on a blog…right?  No… just kidding but I did think it was high time I share the joyful news of our adoption match.  Friends if you haven’t noticed by now, I’m an open book.  My business is so intricately intertwined with my heart and soul, it is hard to separate my “personal” life from my business as they both thrive on the same passion and spirit… so I wholeheartedly share here.

Our path to family has been a long an tumultuous one and if you’d like to hear more, head here

{Today though is all about sharing the wonderful news that a mother of a beautiful baby boy due in 6 WEEKS, has chosen us to parent.  SHE CHOSE US! I still can’t believe those words are true.}

I asked to be told first the sex of the baby so I could surprise the hubby with the news and much like the rest of my life, I went all out.  With about 12 hours notice I gathered our closest family and friends for a very secretive dinner in the middle of the week.  No one knew why, they just trusted me and arrived right on time.

Before dinner I asked everyone to come outside to our front lawn…Many were confused as a stranger with a camera followed everyone…Earlier that day I had filled bottles with a certain ink color, and now passed one to each guest.  The hubby was blindfolded and on my count of 3 all were asked to spray their bottles of ink onto the canvas before them.

{When the blindfold came off, Adam instantly knew he was to be the proud Papa of a baby BOY!}

It has been a long journey and the outcome is truly in God’s hands.  So much changes quickly in adoption and we know our happiness is resting on the selfless sacrifice of another.  Thank you so much to  our clients, friends and family for the daily well-wishes in email, on instagram and by phone…We are blown away by the support worldwide and cherish every single word. XO

If you’d like to following along our daily journey search #ourjourneytobabyblooms on Instagram and Facebook!

{See the action unfold!}





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