I’ve thought long and hard about the word new. For some, “new” may imply, improved, reworked, redone…all because something was wrong, right? But no, the word new for me and Momental, means something very different. New design, new logo, new styling… yes, our website features all those things. A stronger voice, a distinctive style, a new breath of life…yes our website is here to share all those things.
{For Momental NEW becomes a way to communicate, new is a reinvestment in passion from a fire in my creative brain, lit over 13 years ago. }
TODAY…new celebrates taking this business from my dining room table to a studio where 10 woman make their living, making art everyday. New is the tears and trials of developing systems and processes that make an artful experience work effortlessly.
{New is knowing you have an amazing team, producing unbelievable work and not being afraid to say it.}
So here we are, the day myself and our small team has been working towards for over a year. In fact, the redesign of this website began in 2013 and for so many reasons was stalled, shelved, postponed. Why, why has this taken so long you might ask? Let me tell you…doing “new” good is fairly easy and can happen somewhat fast. Doing “new” GREAT requires intense soul searching and brutal honesty from yourself and those you admire most. So, yes, I’ve learned doing “new” GREAT can take longer than you ever planned for or imagined.
{This redesign is meant to give you the best of Momental and a promise of so much more to come.}
We’ve labored for the last 16 months, combing our archives, re-working layouts, developing new patterns, re-tagging 7 years worth of blog and current projects content. We’ve orchestrated countless shoots and filming days and edited thousands of images. All of that + #themomentals + our amazingly-creative-keep-us-on-our-toes-couples, make up the sauce and sass of this site.
Is the launch of our new site, earth shattering news, no, indeed not. But friends, this new site, just the same, is my way of sharing an unrelenting passion for making art with you. That’s it, that’s all.
So let me take you though some of the highlights of #thenewmomental:
1. A filtered search function is available throughout the site. You can search by design aesthetic, color, artwork, material, item type and location. You can search the whole site here, the blog and current projects here and even the galleries here.
2. Over the years I’ve done a bunch of editorial projects, so now they are all featured in their own galleries. See how I envision stationery playing a central role in celebrations!
3. I only need an excuse to celebrate with those I love and now you can see what happens when this creative brain “plays event planner” for Momental Parties!
4. Visit our Details Gallery to get a more in depth look at the heart and soul of a hand painted stationery – here everything from paper quality, painting techniques, save the dates and envelopes are topics of conversation!
5. At Momental we LOVE working with calligraphers and so we’ve asked our favorite calligraphy artists to develop an exclusive script just for Momental Couples.
6. Our Mission Page is a highlight of the redesign and speaks loudly to our purpose and practice as Invitation Artists.
7. Don’t miss a chance to meet our team and see what they are up to!
8. Indulge in a bit of eye candy each month with our free wallpaper and device downloads!
9. Check out the “what is Kristy up to” section in the footer of every page, to see my newest artwork in a BIG way and see what scripture is filling my brain at the moment.
10. You will find nearly 30 short films scattered throughout the new website. Nearly every gallery features a live look into our hand painted process. Take a look at some of our favorites: The two on our Mission page (The Hand Painted Moment & Momental Is), Painterly Blooms (you might recognize this invitation), The Biltmore Art Shoot and Black Tie Reinvented.
11. The new iPhone and Samsung cases are live in Shop Momental, yay!!
I have so many people to thank and the credits below are just the beginning – keep an eye out for another, frightfully long-winded post, I fear…coming soon 🙂
Vendor Credits
- Site Design
- Flosites
- Principal Site Photography
- With Love and Embers
- Principal Site Calligraphy
- MM Ink
- Principal Site Films
- Josiah Grandfield