Wanted to take some time today to introduce you with the Momental team. It’s hard to put into words what they mean to me, but for us the word team doesn’t quite cut it. Recently I gathered everyone for a afternoon retreat to celebrate, just because. Our team is a group of dynamic women and men who make me laugh everyday. I’m proud to have my Dad as the newest member of the group and of course my Hubby Adam who ensures this ship sails like clockwork.
From left, top row: Jess K., Amy, Kelley, Linda (Mom), Erin, Jill, Me, Adam (the Hubby), Jess Z., Dan, Dad From left, seated: Kristen, Katie, Joy and Steph
We love to have fun but we know how to get good work done. A perfect combination.
From left, Steph and Joy, Jill
Something magical happens when your co-creatives become friends. These ladies truly care about each other. Wouldn’t have it any other way…
From left: Steph, Joy, Katie, Steph again and Jess Z. Bottom: Amy, Kelley and Jess D.
When a team becomes a force of friends, who invest in each other and the work they do together; anything can happen.
Thanks to With Love and Embers for these images!