My Story is Art – Painting Spirits Bright 2011

You may remember the thoughtful painting I received last year from my childhood art teacher, Sue Hand.  Well another Christmas Season has come and another painting arrived in my mailbox.  Lively brushstrokes, unexpected color combinations and just a hint of shimmer all equal a slow moment of joy for me.  Thank you Sue.

Very early on Sue taught me that you can make people feel a certain way with your art.  In sixth grade I remember seeing the pure joy in my Mom’s face when I presented a lifelike portrait I had created with colored pencils.  Today I speak with bride’s who find it easy to get choked up over the perfect shade of pink or combination of flowers painted just for them.   It’s all about emotion;  this art we create and live.  It is all about eliciting a smile or laugh, making it impossible to look away and wanting to hold onto a moment for as long as possible.  Thank you Sue for reminding me.