My life as a stationery designer is a crazy, whirlwind one. From one day to the next I can never predict what I might be involved in. From creating original watercolor illustrations to troubleshooting a bug on my blog, I am always trying something new. I however, never stray from the heart of my passion which is the artwork.
I live and breathe my inspirations. I adore color and pattern and am always looking for unconventional combinations of both. I can get lost in the creation of a new painting, perfecting each brush stroke to speak of my connection with the subject. I am not a realist in my work I instead infuse each brush stroke and color wash with the emotion I draw from my subject matter.
The home I share with Adam, the hubby, our 3 pups and one fat cat is another creative space in which I can experiment, much like the Momental Studio. Nearly four years ago Adam and I moved back to our beloved hometown from Upstate New York. We arrived here with a hunger for renewed space and re-connection with family and friends. Our first mission was to to build the house of our dreams (cliche, I know but true) and so we did.
Form verses function, artist verses engineer was (and still is) the ever evident dichotomy of our lives. Adam and I together designed every aspect of the space. From the dining room built around our massive table and chair collection to our DIY hardwood floor installation – we embarked on a labor of love, sweat and tears (mostly love and sweat) and it was sooo worth it!
So many of our friends and family members pitched in – we needed to paint the entire house in 6 days including all my special touches – so we could never have done it without the help!
Move in was tricky – April 15th 2005, rainy, muddy. Adam was so worried about the floors – it took us 2 weeks straight to finish the install.
As this is my first post in “An Artful Life” I want to share some photos from the very beginning of our homebuilding adventure. Each Tuesday I will post more “finished” shots of this house we call sanctuary and retreat. I will share with you my artful life beyond the studio. You will have a chance to see what inspires me, witness my crazy decorating ideas. A little glimpse of whats to come…I am just itching to trim my 5 themed Christmas trees, including a bathroom tree! Stay tuned!