It has been a long winter and that says a lot coming from someone who typically loves cold weather. Don’t get me wrong, I try to see the beauty in all God gives us but sometimes the muddy snow on the side of the street is just plain uninspiring. Over the years I’ve learned to surround myself with simple things that lift me up. The past few weeks I’ve been making regular visits to the market to get a little Spring in my home. Even simple roses are enough to lift my spirits and pull me out of the winter blues.
So curious to see what I’ve been up to over the last few weeks? Come along then…
My Mom recently had surgery after months of suffering with a rare condition. All went smoothly so of course we celebrated with dinner, some time spent together and of course flowers. I painted this juicy Anemone Flower just last night. So what you ask is juicy when it comes to painting? This is a word I’ve come to use a lot of the years, a word that when I utter it, The Momental Girls just kind of laugh and look away.
Juicy isn’t just about pigment hitting wet paper and exploding. Juicy in my mind is the moment where color bursts onto the page but even when dry it still seems to distill that magic moment where watercolor mingles and does its beautiful thing… Not all watercolors are juicy simply because not all watercolors have a vibrant spirit…
If you don’t already follow me on Instagram… you might want to! My newest paintings seem to find their way there and of course other daily randomness. Matthew Robbins creates these cool #HuntandGather posts daily which inspire me to no end. Of course I had to design a pattern after this one he posted a few weeks back.
I’ve become obsessed with Roseville Pottery lately…like really obsessed. The kind of crazy where I will attend any auction within 50 mils that features even one piece of this chalky hued, sculptural floral pottery. So I’ve been filling my Roseville collection with blooms and winter greens and painting each…so has begun a series…
These watercolors are certainly not juicy but still have a distinctive mood I love.
This vase was my Grandmothers…it is a favorite in my collection….
A new one this year from Mom at Christmas….so interesting right?
Not finished but coming along….
Adore this little round beauty!
These are roses from the market in my Water Lily Roseville Urn….Ahhh the combination of reds, coral, yellow and orange with this Curelean blue??? Amazing and most definitely juicy…
Recently I created elements for a new Watercolor Peony Pattern…I was really feeling the groove when painting these lovelies even though my reference weren’t the real thing but photos…. A bit of juiciness happening here for sure…
And the two minute peach peony.
And the pattern! Wallpaper anyone?
In December much to my shock and delight (hence the squealing that ensued in the middle of my grocery store) I found these glorious Protea!!
From sketch…
…to watercolor study…
Lastly for today a few more Anemone Flowers, a yellow Ranunculus and some Hyacinth, all compliments of my local flower guy who feeds my floral cravings…
Happy Weekend all!! Go seek some spring!!