While flipping through the latest copy of Elle Magazine several weeks ago, a small but striking illustration caught my eye. A woman’s face with a haunting expression jumped from the page. I had to know more as the small paragraph of information included wasn’t nearly enough. I hopped online to find Igor and André, a blog just full of these gorgeous illustrations.
Danny Roberts is the artistic genius behind the work that I have been poring over. Danny calls himself an Artist/Thinker and is only 24! His work has been published worldwide. The subject matter? Models and figures primarily. Seen below is Daniel himself and a self -portrait.
I recently asked Danny to share some of his inspiration. Danny sent over several recent images from his inspiration file.
It is very difficult for me to decide on a favorite. Danny’s Blogger Portrait Series is divine. As a way to say thank you to bloggers who inspire him, Danny began creating portraits of each blogger he favored. Perhaps he would create my portrait if I smile really nice and say pleaaassse (just kidding)!
So, grab a cup of coffee, set aside some time and prepare to be amazed. Whether your artistic tastes draw you to the classics or post modern you will, I am sure be intrigued by Danny’s work. It is hard not to get lost in the inventive use of undulating line and smoky, dreamy, creamy color. Rock on Danny.