At Momental, everything begins with watercolor. Trends come and go, but we always were watercolorists and always will be…
So when it came time to dream something up for Jess’s save the dates, you know where I went… So to back track a bit. Jess is one of our invitation artists here and you guessed it, she’s getting hitched. Nothing is more fun than when a Momental Girl ties the knot and you can imagine why. So to catch up with her planning check here and here BUT then make sure you head of to the fabulously witty and wise, The Knotty Bride blog. Guess what… Jess is blogging her planning adventures there. Here at RiceInk you will hear all about the paperie and planning inspiration…over at The Knotty Bride it is all about the nit and grit of daily planning. All good stuff.
So Jess is a curious creature with tastes as specific and fickle as can be. Targeting her aesthetic on any given day is much like chasing a moving target but that can be said of any artist. The word “specimen” was coming up a lot as she filled me in on all the prettiness she was Pinning. That word stuck and I am afraid will be in head for some time. I immediately thought of a pattern made of elegantly illustrated bugs.
So after the hubby picked splinters from cutting posts 1/8 inch thick, we arrived at the fun task of assembling (Jess)…
…and watercoloring bugs (me).
All done 🙂
Hugs to Jess for giving me free reign with this project…more to come I promise, but first, seriously head over to The Knotty Bride and get more of Jess’s wedding goodness!!